Soaring Road Trip
Flyable wind direction: NW
Location: Pearisburg, VA
Launch type: FL steep and wide slope launch
Rating Requirements: H3, P3 or H2/P2 with experienced local mentor
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Camping available on-site
Post-flight reports
Hope you enjoy this short slide show!
Here is what happened so was a pretty good day, post frontal. It was sun and clouds. It was solid ridge lift about 300-500 over most of the time today. Blowing in 12 on launch, a little left cross. Couple broken thermals to attempt turning in. The excitement started with a big mean cloud with cloud suck...and suck it did. The ground got smaller and smaller and my pucker factor said get out of this. I ran to the right of launch to get the hell away. After I landed it did get calmer. About 6:30 the wind in the lz died down. Jochen, probably you left just a little too soon, but you never know. Although I wasn't on top, by the feel of the lz it was calming significantly by 6:30. Tuesday is looking doable...take it day by day! Aron